Last Name___________________
Start DATE:__________________
For studio & off-site field trip locations
Artist's Name: __________________________________________ Age_________
/Guardian:_____________________________ cell phone: ________________
Home w/ zip:_________________________________________________________
Emergency Contact Person: __________________________ Phone:______________
Medical info/allergies?: __________________________________
(Please check your class page for specific dates for artshop or CAMP details, etc.)
Monthly tuition for weekly hobby track/ beginner kids classes, w/ drawing materials. Days are Tue, Wed or Thur by appt
(call),or Sat. 10-11am or 11-12:30:
Beginner art classes, drawing,pastel, watercolor,
55min $160/mo, 80 min $235/mo, 110 min $315/mo
NEW! Ateliers for all levels.
Creativity workshops/artshops on site and online (so you never miss) depending on current events:
Fun learning workshops to jump start your art abilities or polish your skills. Some are one day, some multiple days. Repeats
kidshops - 3 hours a morning or afternoon of creating.
kidshop choice name _____________________________________________________
youthshops - 3 hours a morning or afternoon of creating.
workshop choice name ________________________________________________________
Atelier/workshops - 6 hours: a morning or afternoon of creating over 2 days
workshop choice name _________________________________________________________
workshops - 3 hours tba
workshop choice name ____________________________________________________
call us for special dates and art workshop pricing $______________
Monthly tuition for weekly professional/portfolio track classes, call for appt, by appt only:
55min $240/mo, 80 min $320/mo, 110 min $450/mo
Uncorked Art Nite fair weather only: 2-hour session $60.00 each person, includes supplies.
Vacay ART/Nature CAMP: 3-day (T W Th) 9-11am $125. + $12 supply kit (=$137.00)
MOVIE CAMP: 5-day (M-F) tba $450
Workshop/other tutorials TBD______________________________________________$_______
Multi-month discount - cash,paid ahead - 10% for 3 months, 15% for 6 months $_______
Annual Registration: $25/year/ea, $50 family $________
Cost/tuition agreement: $________
Total Paid for Starting Date: $__________
Yes, I would like my child/myself enrolled in Art learning /Class/Art Camp!
I hereby waive/release any and all rights and claims for damage I May have against Janet Sellers art studio activities
and/or its agents for any and all damages/injuries which may be suffered by me/my child in connection with participating in
this program. I hereby grant permission for myself/child/artworks to appear for promotional or recognition purposes (i.e.,
in the art shows/sales/ on the web. news articles, etc.,) I also understand that I will be charged accordingly for any cancellations
per the cancellation policy. I understand that SAFE AND TIMELY ARRIVAL AND PICK UP INCLUDES escorting my child to and from
the studio/class site, that INSTRUCTION BEGINS PROMPTLY - ON TIME - per session, and each class is done on time so the next
class may begin. District 38 legal holidays and snow days will be observed at the discretion of the studio director.
I AGREE to abide by the tuition policy: payment is due BEFORE the month or session begins, expires per EACH session, there
are NO MAKE-UPS except paid add-ons, and that there are NO REFUNDS. Our tuition payment agreement is: $________ date / mo
/ qtr, etc.
Parent/Guard. Signature and date