Art Classes - Youth, Kids, Adults and groups- Art online & Fox Run or Woodmoor studios

Garden, Landscape and Environmental Design

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Your Art Class and Art Collecting Source
janetclaire.jpg with Janet Sellers

Check out our indoor/outdoor workshops all year around, too. Fair weather outside workshops, or indoors if the weather is more than a sweater.

This season's new classes start every weekend, and we'll be making elegant to whimsical garden step stones and art stairs - our hands-on workshops get you ready.

Stay tuned for workshop pictures!
Art gardens for painting or planting - inspiring us to our next level...

Indoors or outdoors....
Art-inspired gardens - or is it gardens inspiring the art?

Bursting spring blooms.
Enjoy flowers all year long, not just in Spring - paint them NOW! Join Us!

Exploring creative art gardening with plantings, outdoor art works, and more!

Art Gardening is: creating beauty with plants and flowers. A family-friendly activity for Summer. Also.... learn to make a unique centerpiece for indoors, too.

NEW! Indoor - outdoor topiaries and sculpture classes going on each month from May through December 2004. Stay tuned for the workshop pictures of the things kids and adults can create!

Trixie as Madam Bozart says:
Your pets can support kid's art programs, too! Click link below! Specials

Write us and register here!

Email us with your email address for updates, etc.

Now that you are a student or corporate client with Monument School of Fine Arts, you may be eligible for student or corporate discounts, tuition plans, corporate team building and other 'cafeteria' type plans with your job, company or other online specials because you are a current MSFA student he.

Copyright (C) 2002-2021 Janet Lee Sellers, Monument School of Fine Arts. All rights reserved.